PLEASE NOTE: This is the Archived Sexyloops Board from years 2004-2013.
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Search found 3169 matches
- Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:19 pm
- Forum: Beginners
- Topic: New to the forum.
- Replies: 5
- Views: 8393
- Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:42 pm
- Forum: Tackle
- Topic: Beginners outfit
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7198
- Thu May 31, 2012 11:28 pm
- Forum: Tackle
- Topic: Beginners outfit
- Replies: 22
- Views: 7198
- Wed May 30, 2012 3:52 pm
- Forum: Flycasting
- Topic: Tightening loops with micro light crank baits - Modifying casting setup for casting
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3181
- Wed May 30, 2012 3:49 pm
- Forum: Flycasting
- Topic: Rio outband short - approach to cast it
- Replies: 14
- Views: 4494
- Wed May 30, 2012 3:42 pm
- Forum: Flyfishing
- Topic: Becoming a fishbum - Career change
- Replies: 37
- Views: 9833
Sushi, First, best of luck in your new life and chasing your dream! :) Second, may I ask why you have chosen Seattle? By nearly all accounts, the fishing there is not particularly good, and the commute to most of the better waters is quite long. If your intention is to chase trout, I would say to a...
- Wed May 30, 2012 3:33 pm
- Forum: Daily Planet
- Topic: Hawaiian Bonefish Gillnetting - A Petition
- Replies: 1
- Views: 2047
Hawaiian Bonefish Gillnetting - A Petition Perhaps this is a worthy petition to consider signing. Talking to a couple of my friends who have connections to this fishery, I have learned that by designating bone fish as a "Gamfish" the locals will still be able to catch and keep them (using r...
- Thu Apr 26, 2012 5:39 pm
- Forum: Flycasting
- Topic: Casting 12 weight - Tarpon fishing technique
- Replies: 35
- Views: 9720
- Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:16 am
- Forum: Casting Sport
- Topic: Spey-O-Rama 2012 - San Francisco
- Replies: 8
- Views: 8159
Good video from the men's finals at SOR 2012 from my friend Marty Sheppard at Metalheads.
- Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:44 pm
- Forum: Flycasting
- Topic: Casting 12 weight - Tarpon fishing technique
- Replies: 35
- Views: 9720
Practice the quick cast. Locate the fish, but then look at the spot where you want your fly to land. If you stare at the fish, you will hit the fish with the fly. This will not work out for you. :) Don't let the guide mess with you. And don't worry about his fish handling tactics. If you are fortun...
- Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:23 pm
- Forum: Flycasting
- Topic: Sticky tools for beginner - Easy to digest tools
- Replies: 10
- Views: 4031
Dahlberg. I'm not surprised at all to see this sort of innovation from him. I'd consider him a major inspiration in my fishing. Fly, geat, spin, casting, bait, whatever. This guys is an expert and innovator.
- Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:20 pm
- Forum: Announcements
- Topic: ECHO Rods Blog Post - Check it out - I'm doing some moonlighting...
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2349
- Tue Apr 24, 2012 8:31 pm
- Forum: Announcements
- Topic: ECHO Rods Blog Post - Check it out - I'm doing some moonlighting...
- Replies: 5
- Views: 2349
ECHO Rods Blog Post - Check it out - I'm doing some moonlighting...
If anyone here has been waiting for some writing from me, I found out today that a little story I wrote is featured on the Echo Flyrods Blog.
Take care and fish on.
Take care and fish on.
- Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:28 pm
- Forum: Flytying
- Topic: diving shrew?
- Replies: 33
- Views: 8245
- Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:01 pm
- Forum: Flycasting - 2 Handed
- Topic: Vee Loop anchor - Keeping fly from H2O touchdown
- Replies: 8
- Views: 3799