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Hi Frank!

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Paul Arden
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Hi Frank!

Post by Paul Arden »

OK so what I've done here is create a forum especially for you! The reason I've done this is because threads that you join often end up in Frank vs the world. Now I don't know if this will work, but it's certainly worth trying. Personally I really enjoy having you on the Board even though we argue about absolutely everything - apart from environmental issues :p

Let me know if this will work for you. If it doesn't we'll have to figure something else out because we can't go on the way we're going. You can post everywhere apart from Flycasting and Tech Analysis, but you have your own forum so I think that's pretty neat.

Cheers, Paul
It's an exploration; bring flyrods.

Flycasting Definitions
Frank LoPresti
IB3 Member Level 1
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Post by Frank LoPresti »

Paul Arden wrote:Let me know if this will work for you.
Thanks Paul I guess this forum is where we separate the men from the sheep :p

I would have a major effect on how I train instructors.
Paul Arden
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Paul Arden
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Post by Paul Arden »

No gumboots then!
It's an exploration; bring flyrods.

Flycasting Definitions
Frank LoPresti
IB3 Member Level 1
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Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:38 pm

Post by Frank LoPresti »

Only when it rains and especially when it gets muddy :D
I would have a major effect on how I train instructors.
Paul Arden
Mike R Rubino
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Post by Mike R Rubino »

This is a great idea !
Frank LoPresti
IB3 Member Level 1
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Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:38 pm

Post by Frank LoPresti »

Ya think Mike ? I'm not so sure of that......

I would have a major effect on how I train instructors.
Paul Arden
Frank LoPresti
IB3 Member Level 1
Posts: 6259
Joined: Sat Jul 26, 2003 7:38 pm

Post by Frank LoPresti »

The reason I've done this is because threads that you join often end up in Frank vs the world. Now I don't know if this will work, but it's certainly worth trying.

Let me know if this will work for you. If it doesn't we'll have to figure something else out because we can't go on the way we're going. You can post everywhere apart from Flycasting and Tech Analysis

Cheers, Paul[/quote]

Hi Paul,

Personally I think you made a mistake in the beginning by singling me out as it often ends up being me against the world. No not really. It's really been about Mr. Gordy forcing his world view of fly casting on the rest of us mere mortals and when someone does or did not agree with Mr. Gordy he usually let loose with some of the most vitriolic language I have ever had directed at me simply because I am to simple minded to grasp the force behind the "beauty" of his mind.

Now to make matters even worse on a thread in a forum that I cannot even respond to Mr Gordy here has the unmitigated gall to raise my name in a very condescending manner in a thread I was not even a part of. Check the time stamps for the threads to see if that is not anything less than true. Not only that, attacking another board member for again, simply not agreeing with Mr. Gordy's "beautiful" mind. This is an on going pattern that is part of Mr. Gordy's sour personality when someone begs to differ.

So in light of this I will tell you that no, this has not worked out and I haven't even been on the board that much lately, and now I'm drawn into a debate that I was not even a part of necessarily until Mr Gordy decided to open his big fat trap and start spewing forth from the mouth. No it's actually Gordy and always has been, and those who do not except his world view do so at their own peril.

So I am requesting that you remove the entire forum that you created in the beginning that has my name attached to it. I will no longer participate on a web site that allows for a megalomaniac to ride roughshod over those who are not even entered into a debate with this wing nut or those that are in disagreement with this sorry excuse of a mind. I'll grant Mr Gordy one thing, he is very consistent and has been for quite some time in his abuse of board participants.

Unfortunately for for you this type of behavior undermines any value that he might bring to the site and acts as a deterrent to those who are intimidated by is visions of grandeur that he wants to share with the rest of us mere mortals. No thanks count me out. I expect to see the Fly casting Forum with my name attached to it obliterated as I no longer would associate myself on a forum that entertains as one of it's contributors one of the most boorish individuals I have ever encountered in my life time. Nothing that I can recall even comes close to this.

They have a word for this Paul and it's called Cyber-Bullying and it is defined as "Willful- and repeated harm inflicted through the medium of electronic text, text messaging and WEB SITES," such as this site that allow this type of behavior to go unchecked and no less, over a long period of time.

I'm out, and get me out end of story. And a word of advice to MR. Gordy. If he should even mention my name in any posts he makes on this site I will slap a lawsuit on him so fast it will make his head spin with enough angular momentum to turn 3 planets. End of story. Apology not accepted, no thank you !

If you take the time to read a post or 2 or 3 in the tech thread and fly casting thread he has essentially offended and alienated most if not all the board members.


I would have a major effect on how I train instructors.
Paul Arden

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